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[Class + Conversation]

Pilates is renowned for its transformative impact on body and mind – but how can we safely master form whilst gaining strength and length?

A partnership between The Beauty Triangle and Exhale Pilates, this class and conversation concept combined a Classical Pilates class, using traditional apparatus; and an empowering panel discussion, featuring Exhale founder, Gaby Noble. Hosted in Exhale’s new Marylebone studio, the evening concluded with a refreshing juice and a chance to network with likeminded people.

Together we cultivated core-control, flexibility and mental focus. The goal? To gain inner-strength for the road ahead.

Our Panelists

Gaby Noble
Gaby Noble
Exhale founder, Gaby Noble, is a powerhouse within the Pilates industry. With over a decade of teaching experience and three studios across London, Gaby is passionate about upholding the traditional methodology of Joseph Pilates to improve the strength, stamina and flexibility of her clients in both body and mind.
Victoria Smart
Victoria Smart
Victoria is an enthusiastic communicator within the wellness space and is passionate about increasing access to well-founded health and well-being information. With a specific interest in movement and mindfulness, Victoria works closely with leading practitioners to educate and empower consumers to make safer, better-informed decisions.