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  • Webinar, Via Zoom

“Prejuvenation” is becoming a buzzword in beauty – but when should we start, and what are the treatments that can boost our skin, body and self-esteem for the future?

This webinar brought together a panel of forward-thinking practitioners – including skin expert and founder of Adonia Medical Clinic, Dr Ifeoma Ejikeme; aesthetic doctor and maxillofacial surgeon, Dr Joanna Christou; and celebrity facialist, Abigail James – to discuss proactive ways to keep our complexions glowing, our collagen levels topped up, and our confidence high from early adulthood and beyond.

Together, we discovered how to stay looking – and feeling – youthful; while learning to celebrate our individuality and to preserve what is uniquely “us”. In doing so, we took the first steps towards positive optimisation… safely, but also sustainably.

In support of “Early Intervention”, we partnered with AlumierMD to gift one webinar attendee a virtual skincare consultation and suite of AlumierMD products.

Our Panel

Ifeoma is an aesthetic doctor and the founder of Adonia Medical Clinic, where she helps patients of all ages to optimise their skin, hair and body through proven technologies and topical ingredients. She is also a specialist at treating different colour skin types, and works diligently to ensure that she has a modality to suit every patient – from peels to lasers to body contouring devices.
Joanna works from the Cosmetic Skin Clinic, where she specialises in preventative aesthetic treatments. As a cosmetic doctor and maxillofacial surgeon, she has an unrivalled understanding of the facial anatomy, and is renowned for her light injectables such as skin boosters and “filler sprinkles”. Above all, Joanna believes in undetectable treatment – to ensure that her patients feel comfortable in their skin, at any age or stage of life.
Abigail is one of London’s leading facialists with over 20 years of experience and a roster of celebrity clients, both young and old. She is an advocate for natural ingredients, facial massage and holistic wellness – from yoga to nutrition to supplementation – with a 360-degree approach that delivers healthy skin from the inside out.